Le Domaine Care

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5 ways to include your elder loved ones this festive season.

There’s nothing better than winding down your year into the festive season. Preparing for hazy summer days with your family and friends; lavish lunches and dinners shared with the ones you love. Sharing the joy of giving gifts and celebrating the good things in your life. What you might not realise is just how much the elderly members of your family enjoy these special times. It is always worthwhile including them in ways that make them comfortable and part of the festivities. This creates beautiful memories for the whole family, especially your children


Here are a few practical ways of including them and making your festive events easier for your aged loved ones.


1. Start new traditions

Whether its baking one of gran’s favourite recipes every year, or getting grandpa to pull the turkey wishbones with the children - create a fun tradition around your elderly family members that doesn’t require effort from them but puts them at the centre of the activity.


2. Bring out the photo albums and home videos

Christmas is a great time for nostalgia and taking stock of where you’ve come from. This will inspire talk of good times and a recognition of the legacy passed on to you.


3. Play the golden oldies

Watching a favourite classic movie, an old comedy show or playing some vintage music hits is fun for everyone. It’s good for a laugh, teaches the children a bit about how things have changed and shares a special moment between young and old.


4. Keep them busy

If your elder family members are staying over for the season, stock up on activities that they enjoy. It might be a new challenging jigsaw puzzle, a pack of cards and a good book. Just a few thoughtful options to keep them busy while everyone is preoccupied. If you’re heading out for some fun, take them with!


5. Use Technology

It's not always possible to get everyone together at Christmas. If you’re heading off on a holiday or they couldn’t get to you this year, use Skype or Facebook video calling to share a festive moment with them. It will make their day!


As we approach the end of 2017, get ready for a wondrous Christmas filled with love and memories for the whole family. Remind your elderly family members what an important part of the season they are and let them know that sharing it with them is not a chore, but a blessing. The best way to do that? Have fun!

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